Mosaic Installations

What is a mosaic tile installation? Tiles with a plaster or mortar background and colorful pieces of glass and stone embedded on them are called mosaic tiles. Mosaic tile is any combination of tile sizes, colors, shapes and/or materials. They can be ceramic, porcelain, glass, natural stone and even metal or mirror, set randomly or in a pattern. While mosaic styles can range from simple to complex, these artistic creations nearly always feature repeating shapes or sets of shapes.

Mosaic tiles come in a variety of shapes and sizes and that’s what makes them harder to manufacture. Sometimes mosaic may be pricier than a natural stone backsplash, simply because it was more difficult to produce it. Most mosaic tiles use high-end glass and marble and most are hand-cut. Mosaic tiles are smaller than other tiles, and they require a type of grout that won’t damage their surface when you apply it.

Schedule your Complementary Onsite Consultation

Send an email or an old fashion phone call works as well 808-755-8228.

During your onsite consultation, we will help you determine the exact design and dimensions of your project. All installations are completed by Kerry Rice the owner of Unity. Every installation will be completed with precision, efficiency and with absolute professionalism. Unity guarantees every tile project and mosaic installation we complete.


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